Inspired guidance on 'Being With What Is'.
In Love you live and move and have your being, this is the truth, this is Reality. Everything else is perception, judgement rather than...
Going Deeper
Guidance from a recent Spontaneous Teachings Day :) By request I have recorded this and also presented it in a visual text. It can be...
The Alchemy of Relationships
In my dictionary, there are two definitions for the word ‘alchemy ‘. The first one is the most familiar i.e. ‘turning base metal into...
ACIM UK Conference 'Finding Our Way Home'
Speaking today at the 15th ACIM UK Conference 'Finding Our Way Home'. My 15th time /year presenting at this conference - definitely a...
ACIM Ireland 2016
Just back from the Emerald Isle ( Ireland) and the Acim Ireland 2016 conference. The warm welcome and hospitality of the Irish were a joy...
Tuning in today for an Easter Message
Awaken and be glad. This is the time of awakening from the slumber of forgetfulness. You have arisen with me from the ashes of despair...
Journey Without Distance with Robert Holden and I
Today was the annual get-together for Robert Holden and I and what a joy it was. Every year we like to ‘start the year ‘ right with a...
Today was the day to empty out all those wonderful memories and appreciations from our Gratitude Jar 2015 and what a year it has been -...
An Inspired Christmas Message
Remember I am with you, not just when you are specifically listening to me in the groups but throughout the whole day. Think of the great...
Earl Purdy - The Life and Soul of the Course
September brought new beginnings in our wonderful new retreat here in Worcestershire. It also saw the first of our visiting guest...